January 22, 2010
DOCUMENT: Roundups, Crime
When You're A Jet
Mug roundup starts with tribute to AFC champs (we hope)

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JANUARY 22--In recognition of Sunday's NFL conference championship games, this week's mug shot roundup opens with a dozen New York Jets fans busted while wearing Gang Green's colors. We're guessing there will be more photos like these if things don't work out well in Indianapolis (but we'll take the Jets, 23-17).
As for the remaining suspects, just a couple of notes: 1) The 27-year-old Floridian on page #3 was popped last Friday on assorted drug charges. It is unclear what makes her acquaintance Karma so unpleasant; and 2) We're open to suggestions, but that stuff on the face of the 38-year-old gentleman on page #7 sure looks like the delicious creamy filling of a Hostess Ho Ho. (14 pages)
March 11, 2025
Cops: Woman, 34, used scalpel to cut off male corpse's genitals